Tips on How to Do Local Keyword Research for Your Business

Targeting specific local keywords can help a business gain a competitive edge in their local market and attract more targeted traffic to their website. This blog post aims to provide valuable tips and insights on conducting effective local keyword research using the best tools and techniques, ultimately leading to increased lead generation and customer acquisition for your business. Read on to learn how to identify your target audience, utilize keyword research techniques, and apply your findings to improve your local SEO efforts.

What is a Local Keyword?

A local keyword is a term, phrase, or keyword related to a specific geographical area. These terms are typically used in local SEO efforts to increase a business’s visibility in local search engine results. Local keywords are often location-specific and include words such as the business’s city, state, zip code, or neighborhood.

Redstitch has a broad range of clients across diverse industries that can leverage their expertise in local keywords. For instance, local keywords such as “evansville home builders,” “permanent jewelry evansville,” and “car insurance evansville” can help home builders, jewelry stores, and insurance agencies improve their visibility and attract more customers.

Importance of Local Keyword Research

Local keyword research plays a significant role in the success of any small or medium-sized business, as it directly impacts local search engine rankings. By identifying and targeting the right keywords for your specific market, you can enhance your online visibility and attract a more relevant audience, which ultimately leads to an increase in potential customers. Conducting thorough local keyword research is an essential step in optimizing your website for local SEO, as it ensures that your content speaks directly to the needs and preferences of your target audience, making your business more prominent in local search results.

researching local keywords

Determining Your Target Audience

To build a solid foundation for your local keyword research, start by determining your target audience. This involves gaining a deep understanding of your customer demographics, such as their age, gender, location, and income level. Knowing these details will help you tailor your keywords to appeal specifically to your ideal customers.

In addition to customer demographics, take the time to identify their needs and preferences. This can be done through surveys, social media engagement, or analyzing customer reviews. By understanding what your audience is looking for, you can create targeted keywords that address their specific needs.

find your target audience

Keyword Research Techniques

When conducting local keyword research, it’s essential to utilize the right techniques to identify the most effective keywords for your business. There are numerous approaches to researching local keywords, and each one can provide valuable insights into the best keywords for your specific market.

Brainstorming Initial Keyword Ideas

One effective technique for local keyword research is brainstorming initial keyword ideas. Start by listing down a set of relevant keywords and phrases related to your business, products, services, and location. This will give you a solid foundation to build upon as you refine your keyword list.

Analyzing Competitors' Keywords

Another valuable approach is analyzing competitors’ keywords. Examine the websites of your local competitors to identify which keywords they’re targeting. This can provide insight into potentially high-performing keywords that you may not have considered, as well as areas where your competition may be lacking.

Look at Google Maps

Google Maps is an important tool that local businesses can use to improve their local keyword research. Start by searching for your business name on Google Maps with core keywords related to your business and location. Note the related terms, recommendations, and category suggestions that show up on Google Maps. Look through the reviews posted by past customers to see if they used any specific keywords when referring to your business or on related businesses in the area. If your business is located near popular locations or landmarks like parks, malls, museums, or other attractions, use them as keywords for your business listings. Include neighboring cities and regions around your geographic location as well.

Google's Autocomplete and Related Search Features

Finally, take advantage of Google’s autocomplete and related search features. When you type a query into Google, the search engine will automatically suggest popular search terms that are relevant to your query. Similarly, at the bottom of the search results page, Google displays a list of related searches that users often perform. Both of these resources can inspire additional keyword ideas that may be especially useful for local SEO.

Keyword Research Techniques
Keyword Research Techniques

Using Keyword Research Tools

To effectively conduct local keyword research, it’s important to utilize a variety of keyword research tools that can provide valuable insights and data. Each tool offers unique features and benefits that can assist in your research process.

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool provided by Google Ads that helps you discover new keyword ideas and analyze their search volume and competition level. This tool is particularly valuable for local businesses as it allows you to filter results by location, providing insights into “local search volume (us)” and relevant keywords.

SEMrush is another popular keyword research tool that offers a wealth of information on your competitors’ keywords, search volume, and ranking positions. By using SEMrush, you can identify the best local keywords your competitors are targeting and gain insights into their overall SEO strategies.

Ahrefs is a powerful SEO suite that includes a comprehensive keyword research tool, Keywords Explorer. This tool provides in-depth data on keyword search volume, keyword difficulty, and the number of clicks generated by each keyword. Ahrefs also offers insights into local search volume, making it a valuable asset for local SEO efforts.

Moz Keyword Explorer is another useful tool that provides keyword suggestions, search volume data, and keyword difficulty scores. The tool also offers a “Potential” metric, which helps you prioritize keywords based on their potential to drive traffic and conversions for your business.

Redstitch Digital’s custom local keyword strategy is benefiting its clients across various industries, such as national crane rental companies, local homebuilders, and regional jewelry stores. We harnesses the power of AI and Google Keyword Planner to devise an effective strategy for clients and determine the relevant keywords to be included on their websites. Redstitch Digital has successfully optimized over 150 pages with location-specific keywords that target cities and states.

Evaluating Local Keyword Performance

To effectively evaluate local keyword performance, it’s essential to analyze search volume, assess keyword difficulty, and consider the relevance of each keyword to your specific business. Search volume refers to the number of times a particular keyword is searched for within a specific time frame. Tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs are invaluable for researching search volume data.

Keyword difficulty is an important metric to consider, as it indicates the level of competition for a particular keyword. High keyword difficulty suggests that it may be challenging to rank for that keyword, while low difficulty indicates a better opportunity for ranking. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz Keyword Explorer can help you assess keyword difficulty.

Lastly, it’s crucial to evaluate the relevance of each keyword to your business. Ensure that the keywords you choose align with your products, services, and overall brand, as this will attract a more targeted audience and increase the chances of conversions. When evaluating relevance, ask yourself, “How well does this keyword represent my business, and how likely is it that someone searching for this term is interested in what I have to offer?”

Applying Local Keywords to Your Website

Incorporating local keywords into your website is essential for boosting your visibility in local search results. One critical practice is to include these targeted keywords in your title tags, meta descriptions, and headers. These elements are crucial for search engines to understand the content and relevancy of your pages, which can lead to improved rankings.

Optimizing your website content with the selected local keywords is another crucial step in enhancing your local SEO efforts. Make sure to naturally incorporate these keywords into your site’s copy, blog posts, and other content, ensuring they fit seamlessly within the context. Additionally, include keyword-rich local business information, such as your address, phone number, and operating hours, to further strengthen your local search presence.

Applying Local Keywords to Your Website

Tracking Local Keyword Performance

Monitoring your local keyword performance is crucial in evaluating the success of your local SEO efforts. Keep track of your search engine rankings for targeted keywords, as this will indicate whether your optimization strategies are effective in boosting your website’s visibility in local search results.

Measure website traffic and conversions resulting from your targeted keywords. Using tools like Google Analytics can provide insights into user behavior, such as the number of visitors, time spent on the site, and conversions like form submissions or purchases. These metrics help you determine if your chosen keywords are driving relevant traffic and contributing to your business’s growth.

Be prepared to adjust your keywords and strategy as needed. Local markets and customer preferences can change over time, and it’s essential to adapt your keyword research and usage accordingly. Regularly, review your keyword performance data and make necessary adjustments to maintain or improve your local search engine rankings and online visibility.

Best Practices for Local Keyword Research

Regularly updating your keyword research is crucial for maintaining a strong online presence as search trends and user behavior change over time. By staying up-to-date with the latest keyword trends, you can adapt your content and SEO strategies accordingly, ensuring your business remains visible to potential customers.

Balancing keyword usage with high-quality content is vital for your website’s success. While it’s important to incorporate relevant keywords into your content, you should never sacrifice the quality of your writing in favor of keyword stuffing. Search engines prioritize websites that provide valuable, informative, and engaging content to users, so focus on creating content that appeals to your target audience while seamlessly integrating your chosen local keywords.

Relevant FAQs Boost Near Me Search Traffic : A Redstitch Case Study

An insurance company serving Southern Indiana and surrounding areas was struggling to improve the visibility of their motorcycle insurance page in local search results. Although they had optimized the page with relevant global keywords, they weren’t seeing the desired results on search engines.

In mid-February, Redstitch revamped their motorcycle insurance page by adding a frequently asked questions (FAQs) section that included relevant information that customers were searching for. They also made sure to optimize the page with title and meta tags, internal links to relevant content, and schema markup that helped search engines understand the content of the page.

The addition of high-quality relevant information to the motorcycle insurance page proved to be a success in improving its online visibility and driving organic traffic. Within three months after the updates, the motorcycle insurance page received over 7,000 impressions for the “near me” search queries, which was a 3,000% increase from the previous three months. The FAQs section provided value to customers looking for information about motorcycle insurance, and search engines recognized the page as a relevant source of information by showing it in local search results.

Overall, the insurance company’s effort to add relevance to their local pages through high-quality content resulted in improved visibility and increased traffic although the terms “near me” were never added. This highlights the importance of providing valuable and relevant information to customers through frequently asked questions and how it can positively impact online visibility. Keywords are not the only factor affecting visibility in local search results, and the addition of valuable content can be a more effective approach than keyword stuffing.

using local keywords to increase impressions

Brand-Specific Tips and Strategies

Leveraging industry-specific keywords is crucial for businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors and attract the right audience. Research and identify terminology unique to your industry or niche, and incorporate these terms into your content to showcase your expertise and improve visibility within your target market.

Utilizing location-specific keywords is another essential strategy for businesses targeting a local audience. These keywords can include city names, neighborhoods, landmarks, or popular local phrases. Including such terms in your content, title tags, and meta descriptions can help search engines identify your business as relevant to local searches and improve your visibility to potential customers in your area.


As we’ve explored throughout this post, local keyword research is crucial for improving your business’s local search engine rankings, enhancing online visibility, and attracting a relevant audience. By following the tips and strategies outlined here, you’ll be well on your way to conducting effective local keyword research and applying the findings to boost your local SEO efforts.

However, if you’re looking for an expert team to help you stay ahead of your competition and turn your website into a lead-generating machine, look no further than Redstitch. With their powerful AI platform and a wide range of digital marketing services, they will ensure your online presence not only increases but also drives customer acquisition and business growth.

Ready to take your local SEO to new heights? Partner with Redstitch today and watch your business flourish in the digital space.

Picture of Written By: Alexa Elpers

Written By: Alexa Elpers

Alexa holds a degree in Graphic Design and has honed her design skills with over 4 years of experience. As an expert content writer and senior editor, Alexa brings her creativity and attention to detail to every project she undertakes. She has extensive experience in SEO, with a particular focus on local SEO, and has helped numerous clients optimize their online presence. When she's not writing or designing, you can find Alexa on the tennis court or in her studio creating art. She also loves spending time with her family.

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