Using A Digital Agency to Assess Your Web Marketing Efforts

Assess your web marketing efforts concept - Business graphs, charts, laptop, magnifying glass and calculator on table.

Whatever business you’re in, maintaining a digital presence is critical to attract new customers. More than  two-thirds of potential customers will look you up online before they do business with your company, so it’s important to make a good first impression. Using a digital marketing agency to evaluate your web marketing can help you put your best foot forward to  generate the best leads and attract new customers.  

What Is a Digital Marketing Agency? 

A digital marketing agency specializes in web marketing, developing strategies to reach customers online through multiple channels. Using a digital marketing agency can help your organization improve its internet visibility on Google and other search engines. 

A digital marketing agency may also evaluate your web presence and develop strategies to improve your online marketing efforts. You may be spending time and money on search engine ads, social media, and other digital strategies that aren’t generating leads or giving you the return on investment you’re looking for. 

Working with a digital agency gives you an outside perspective on your internet marketing strategy. This can strengthen your brand and turn your website into a better lead generation tool. 

Why Should You Hire a Digital Marketing Agency? 

Once you’ve set your priorities for digital marketing, you may be tempted to handle them yourself. Going it alone saves you money. But using a digital marketing agency gives you access to an unbiased, expert assessment of your strategy. A consultant will see elements of your online presence you may not have considered. 

They also offer more specialized web marketing experience to guide your efforts. Consider these reasons to hire a digital marketing agency: 

4 Reasons to hire a digital marketing agency to assess your web marketing efforts
4 Reasons to hire a digital marketing agency to assess your web marketing efforts
  • An objective perspective: Digital marketing specialists can evaluate your online presence objectively. They’re not attached to your brand and bring insights into what you could do to improve.
  • Specialized expertise: Even if you have a working  understanding of SEO and other internet marketing principles, you’re not focusing on them every day. A digital marketing agency brings expertise you can use to take your web marketing to the next level. 
  • Return on investment: Your current web marketing efforts may not be generating the leads they could be. A professional agency helps you maximize these efforts to help potential customers find you online. 
  • Time: As a business owner, your time is valuable. Whether you own a small shop or you’re managing a large team, you likely have a lot on your plate. Letting a digital marketing agency tackle your online presence frees you up to focus on your job. 

What Services Does a Digital or Web Marketing Agency Offer? 

There are multiple ways you can use a digital marketing agency to boost your visibility online. They may start by getting to know your business and creating a strategy to help more potential customers find you on the internet. 

If you’ve already got a strategy in place, they can evaluate it and find potential improvements. They also specialize in these areas. 

Website Design and Optimization

Your website serves as one of your most important marketing tools. But people need to be able to find it. Most people  (75%) don’t scroll past the first page of search results. A digital marketing agency can evaluate your website for search engine optimization with tools like keyword research and competitive analysis. 

They can tweak your copy and help you create a content marketing strategy to enhance your SEO and improve your ranking. But your website goes beyond SEO. 

A great user experience makes people more likely to do business with your company. Digital marketing experts can evaluate your website to make sure it’s easy to navigate and find the information they need. 

Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing goes hand in hand with search engine optimization. Great content generates organic search traffic. It also helps you build a relationship with potential customers and improves your authority. 

Working with a web marketing agency, you get a content marketing strategy based on your target audience and how best to appeal to them. A professional consultant can work with you to understand your best customers and develop blog posts, videos, social media posts, and other content that drives them to your website. 

Omnichannel Digital Advertising Strategy

Digital marketers know that a robust web marketing strategy includes a mix of tools to drive organic and paid search results. Working with an agency, you can develop strategies for different digital channels that generate qualified leads and help you drive more sales. 

These may include (but are not limited to): 

  • Pay-per-click ads
  • Social media ad campaigns
  • Email marketing
  • Specialized landing pages
  • Retargeting ads

An agency helps you determine which ad campaigns you should be running, how to target users based on keywords, and how to allocate your advertising dollars for the best impact. 

They can help you create and launch ad campaigns based on your goals. They can also use data from each campaign to refine new ad campaigns for greater success. 

Local Search Optimization

If your business works with local customers, you need to be competitive in local searches. This means you need to show up on Google maps and voice searches for businesses “near me.” You also need to optimize your site for Safari, Yelp, and other tools people use to find local companies. 

Local SEO principles are different from those of traditional SEO, and it’s important to optimize your website for both. A web marketing agency can help evaluate your local search presence and improve your visibility to mobile users in your area who are looking for what you provide. 

Data Reporting and Tracking

If you’ve brought in a digital marketing agency to launch your strategy from scratch, you may not know what works for your business. This is where the agency’s experience comes in. They can call on tools that worked for other clients and apply them to your business. 

But once you’ve launched your web marketing efforts, a good agency will give you data reporting and tracking tools so you can evaluate each campaign’s success rate. 

Having information at your fingertips like lead tracking and competitor analysis gives you better insights into how to improve each campaign. 

Marketing Automation

By providing you with technology and other tools to automate various marketing tasks, a digital marketing agency can save you and your marketing staff time. They can work with you to automate processes, various campaigns, lead generation, and other routine tasks. 

For example, using a digital tool powered by artificial intelligence to screen and qualify leads can let your sales team focus on pitching only the high-quality leads who are more likely to respond to sales pitches. 

You can also use these tools to automate marketing functions like automatically sending a well-written welcome email to anyone who signs up for your email marketing list. 

How a Digital Marketing Agency Builds Your Strategy

When you’ve decided to work with a web marketing agency, they will follow these steps or a similar process to create an effective, but tailored strategy for your business. 

1. Get Familiar With Your Company and its Customers

The first step in developing a digital marketing strategy is to create customer personas built around your best customers. Your web marketing specialist will work with you to understand your business and its customers. They will then create personas of your target customer to guide digital marketing. 

To create these personas, a digital marketer will evaluate your existing clientele and conduct a competitor analysis. This step helps you define who you want to target, so you can get a sense of what they value and appeal to their needs. 

2. Assess Your Goals

After your web marketing specialist has an understanding of your target audience, they will assess your most pressing goals for digital marketing. Your goals will help your digital marketing agency prioritize different digital marketing strategies. 

For example, if you’re interested in generating 20% more qualified leads, they will assess your website and help you implement a lead generation strategy. They may help you with paid ads on Google and other search engines that connect to high-quality landing pages inspiring people to sign up for a trial or demo. 

3. Evaluate Your Existing Digital Marketing Strategy

The next step is to evaluate what you already have in place. Your digital marketing consultant will look through your website, social media feed, content, and advertising to see what’s working and how you can improve. 

If you already have analytics, share these with your digital marketer. They can use the data to find out which of your channels is most successful and the types of leads generated with each of your efforts. 

Once they have an idea of your existing channels, they can assess which tools to focus on and which to push to the background to meet your goals.  

4. Assess Your Previous Campaigns

Marketing consultants working with your company need to look through previous campaigns to see how you’re currently allocating your time and money. They can also use the results to benchmark the results of each new campaign. 

For example, if your goal is a 20% increase in website traffic from PPC ads, your digital marketing consultant needs to know where you started to measure progress. They can also look through your campaigns to see which are most successful and determine why.

5. Review Your Existing Content

After reviewing your previous campaigns, your consultant will look through existing content to see what is most successful at driving traffic and generating leads. They will  audit your content based on its value, allowing you to focus on what works for your goals. 

They will also look for gaps in your content based on customer personas and market research. For example, your digital marketing consultant may know that people in your target group respond well to product demos but you haven’t produced any. 

In this case, they may recommend a few blog posts and videos demonstrating your products and services. In these videos, they may suggest highlighting parts of your products and services that interest potential customers. This helps you create value for your customers and answer objections before they arise. 

Your web marketing consultant may also suggest hosting some live question-and-answer sessions on your social media feeds to enhance your credibility and connect with your clientele. Some agencies won’t manage these feeds or create the content, but they can point you in the right direction. 

6. Develop a Digital Marketing Strategy

Once the consultant has a clear picture of your goals, your current digital marketing efforts, and your target audience, they will create the final strategy. You’ll get the results of each assessment with a plan to move forward with an omnichannel approach. 

Your consultant will recommend digital channels that offer the best focus and outcomes for your target audience. They will also suggest organic and paid campaigns you can run to reach potential customers and help you build a website that converts more leads into customers. 

7. Track Data and Improve Each Campaign

Once you’ve launched your new digital marketing tactics, your agency will track each campaign to assess its success rate relative to your goals. 

Many agencies offer dashboards and other reporting tools to help you understand where you’re getting your web traffic and which strategies are offering your best return on investment. Use this information to enhance each campaign and meet your goals more quickly. 

Redstitch Has Your Digital Marketing Needs Covered

Web marketing professionals in elegant formalwear discussing fresh business ideas while working in the office

If you’re ready to hire a web marketing agency to save you time and improve your return on investment, contact Redstitch. Our ConvertIQ® tool is powered by state-of-the-art AI, offering insights into your company and how we can help you generate more leads. Your goal may be to dominate Google rankings or generate more leads faster with Google Search ads and other tools.  Learn more about how our team can help by scheduling a call today. 

Picture of Written By: Jennifer Vaughn

Written By: Jennifer Vaughn

With a passion for business, technology, and marketing, Jennifer is constantly expanding her knowledge and gaining new skills. Having worked with many businesses in various industries - both large and small - in her 20+ year career, she has become a trusted advisor to many. Her expertise has helped numerous businesses reach their goals and attain greater heights. Jennifer loves to plan new travel adventures with her family, always seeking out exciting new destinations and experiences. She is also a dedicated fan of the St. Louis Cardinals and can always be found cheering them on - Go Cards!

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